Monday, May 7, 2007

A very long day. A very long tiring day. A horrible horrible day. Ultimately, my conclusion is this - starting work at 6am is NOT FUN. After starting at 6am, I did the usual things... dealt with some people, over saw a delivery, talked to my boss. And to think, that I have to get up again at 5am on Wednesday. I walked home when my shift was over, took time and dawdled. I stopped in the local cemetary (ironic how people make jokes about it being the 'dead centre of town' when it most cases a cemetary is located on the towns outskirts, anyway) and took some photos of the beautiful old headstones. Its amazing, the history you can learn from them, people's birth dates and death dates... A group of headstones together, all children under ten, all dead within two years, five of them... You can gain a small insight into the life of those times... The hardships that people face... And I am sorry. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose so many people you care about, you love, in such a short space of time... Nor ever for that matter. Just to live through such an experience... To be the one that buries your children. I cannot begin to imagine what pain that could cause someone. Or how that would affect them physically/psychologically.

The photographs will be for reference for some new art pieces I'm working on... I'm enjoying exploring this new subject matter. Not just for the image, but for the history. With each name I find I feel like I'm finding part of that person, something they left behind. And then every now and then you see a familiar name. Not necessarily that I knew said person, but just the sound of it... It may sound morbid. But I don't think that. I think of it as more... A Homage for the Dead. I like that... Homage. Homage (noun): A public show of respect or honour for someone or something. I like the idea of showing people these headstones, finding out as much as I can about the stone's "owner", and telling them what I can. Almost like keeping their memory alive. Its interesting how, in the cemetary, walking alone amongst these long forgotten headstones, that I felt safe and oddly happy... at home, and peace. Odd? Todays panties: Black, with 'Kiss Me' written on the front. Any volunteers?

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