Thursday, May 3, 2007

Okay, so this is now officially the second day that I've missed since I started this blog. The first was because of a party - which was fucking fantastic actually. Yesterday was because my phone company, in all its glorious STUPIDITY cut my phone lines for no damn reason. Yes, I had paid the bills, and yes, I had kept the receipt. So there were many hours of abuse spent on the phone yesterday. But eventually they put it back on (although they still had no good reason for turning it off) eight hours later. AND they wanted to charge me $150 to come to my house and see what the problem was... I have no patience for these idiots. NONE. Maybe the phone companies should stop hiring CHILDREN TO DO THEIR BLOODY WORK!!

Okay, now enough with the ranting. Today was a fun day generally (I'll get to the horrible part towards the end of this entry). Originally started off rather good with plans to go out shopping with a friend (sex shopping)... but then she didn't come. Nope, too busy fucking her boyfriend's brains out (LITERALLY - the chap has about as much intelligence as a snail). Anyway. So that didn't happen. Instead I called up my dear friend who I've known since kindergarten and her and her boyfriend took me sex shopping. Where I purchased: A pair of good fur lined wrist cuffs, a small vibrator, a pair of fluffy sex game dice, and bondage dice. Then after that, we went clothes shopping, where I got myself: a pair of zebra striped panties with red and white lace, a pair of black panties with handcuffs on them and a trilby hat. Anyone who has seen a trilby will know what I'm talking about. So now I have panties to match my "porn-star" zebra print bedsheets. Which I think is just enough on this side of tacky to be tolerable. Anyway, they're supremely comfy. When we got back to her place, she went to work - and me, in all my forgetful habits, left my wallet in her car. Complete with bankcard, ID, and medicare card... I'm not worried, because I know that she'll keep it until I grab it... but still. I hate that I forgot it. Yesterday when I got money from the ATM I forgot my receipt (granted, that may have been because I went into the store in my pajamas... but still). I've been really forgetful lately and its a little upsetting - I'm normally miss. reliable... GAH. I'm beating myself up over something small. I'll get it off her in a couple of days. Rant officially over. Todays panties - white lace boylegs.

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