Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Recovery slowly creeps closer, inching forever at a snails pace. The sparks of sickness stay close by, gripping your hair and trying to pull you down again to the putrid obsession of illness. The skeletal remains of hungering need clawing at your insides and gripping you tightly in its death like grip. Pain tearing through your body as you double over in twisting, wrenching pain. Your face contorted in horror, as your eyes gaze skywards and hold your body, trying to stop the pain escaping, as they claw and bite and grate forever at your stomach. Trying to escape.

Today, I am slightly better. I have been able to eat a little something, even though it still hurts like hell. But I'm still drinking a lot of fluids which is definately a good thing. Not as tired today. And I'm feeling ... okay. Pretty average, but okay. It was kinda nice to be able to eat something, just to feel it in your stomach again... its a strange feeling really. This fullness and warmth. I had forgotten what it felt like, also taken it for granted. Its amazing what you appreciate when you don't have it anymore.

Today's panties: White cotton boylegs.

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