Friday, May 18, 2007

I spent most of today reading... Following the progress of Salinger's protagonist in "The Catcher in the Rye" I realised how much I need to get away... I'm starting to get itchy feet, this happens every few years with me, I need to get out and travel and see something. I want to have the kind of life where people I tell about my adventures will just say "WOW". And I can't help feel attached to everything. Its not my job, I can get a job anywhere in this country, but I can't help almost hating it here. I admire how the character, although only a teenager, can just take off and end up in New York... although I suppose in the time this is set going off to New York is a hell of a lot cheaper than it is today... Its not New York I want to go to really... I want to see my country. I've lived here my whole life and I want to see its beauty and its harsh reality for myself. Guess theres a little adventurer in me.

I got a pile of forms about my superannuation today, and I can't make head or tails about any of it. Its confusing, and so far the only thing I actually understand is that its with the Commonwealth Bank. Its ALMOST relaxing here now... the fire is loaded and the rain is belting at the windows, can hear my olds argueing in the background about something stupid... a telly program I think. Its childish and it surprises me that they're both in their 50s. I picked up a book a couple of weeks ago that I really want to get into: "Nineteen Eighty Four"... I'm looking forward to that one. It still surprises me how a lot of my mates would rather spend their wages on music or clothes, while I'm more interested in feeding my soul and my mind. Granted, music can do that, but the ability for deeper connection with music was lost when Rap became a genre. Today's panties: Sunflower yellow boylegs.

1 comment:

Eugene Salomon said...

I had a young guy in my cab a few days ago who was about to graduate from the prestigious Columbia University here. He said he was undecided as to whether he should get a job right away or do some traveling first. It reminded me that, unless one gets a career that includes a lot of traveling, there is a window in most people's lives - around the ages of 17 to 24 - where taking off and "seeing the world" is the right thing to do. After that, the need for economic stability and establishing a family kicks in hard and exploring the planet is no longer the right thing to do. (In fact, if you met someone who was, say, 33 years old and he was just wandering around, you'd probably call that person a "bum"!) In my own life, by the time I was 22 I had spent long stretches of time in Africa, Mexico, and Europe, as well as seeing much of the USA. And on not much money. I realized years later that these experiences had broadened my perspective and shaped my values... hope this helps.