Wednesday, May 9, 2007

This morning I started work at 6am... It was again another equally horrible and boring day. As you can imagine not a whole lot of people want to buy booze at that time of the morning. Being up that early is simply ridiculous, in my opinion. My bosses are inhumane and cruel. They should be poked profusely with pointy sticks. I should say to them "AHA! I will go out and find a stick, make it pointy and then return to poke you with it profusely!" That would show them.

When I finished work, I felt like walking home (about five, maybe six km), and I stopped in the cemetary again. I sat on a tree stump and just watched... and the way the wind was blowing through the gum trees and the dust blowing across the rocky ground really made it all the more comforting and beautiful to me. And then I took these... Today's panties: Black cotton, with "hands up" printed on the front, and a red lace trim.

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