Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Today was partly a day of recognition, and partly a day of eye opening sadness. I recognised how I was feeling and how I was dealing with the world around me, and realised that I wasn't doing too well... Then a friend showed me photographs he had taken of the devastation that is still left behind since Hurricane Katrina hit Florida. And I was sickened, and disgraced to be a human being. And realised that compared to that, and compared to what some of those people must be living I have heaven. I learned not to complain about life, and to take every knock on the chin. That if you fall down, you get up, and you try and help as many people as you can in the process. I wish there was a way to compell the government of the US to act in a more productive way, and to help the people on their own soil than wage a war in another country. I hate to think that if the American government put even a fraction of the funds for the Iraq war into rebuilding the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, that this horror would have long been over.

On a lighter note, today's panties - white cotton with cherries printed all over them

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