Thursday, June 21, 2007

An online diary that was originally supposed to be a daily record has now turned into an occassional record. But thats life I suppose at some point... you end up with other more important committments, work, relationships, home life. And then theres not much you can do about it. Its just the way it is. Funny how I keep telling myself that recently. Takes the stress out of it though I must admit. Its quite nice to just be able to sit back and enjoy the ride and let the universe work it out for you. Lately I've been talking about the universe quite a bit. Which is suprising for me because I've always believed that you have to work bloody hard for what you want and to hold onto it. But somehow... everything has been working itself out without having to stress over it or worry or be generally concerned. I'm filled with a kind of knowledge that it will work out exactly as I want it and it will be wonderful. Which is incredibly relieiving in an odd kind of way.

The last few days I've spent with the Boy. The Boy is turning out to be perfect in pretty much every way. We laugh and carry on and have fun together. Its been so long since I've smiled this much and the incredible thing is that I never want it to end. Knowing that I've said this now it may be a different story next week. But hey. Thats the spontaneous nature of the world we live in. For now I'm just happy to hold onto the beauty of what this has become, and share part of it with all of you.

Today's panties: None. Underwear is over rated. X

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