Sunday, June 24, 2007

Its a sad point in your life when you believe that the people that you care the most about have abandoned you. But that is another part of life I'm afraid... afraid. I wonder if many of us will ever know the true sense of that word, to be truly afraid of something, or someone... Its a terrifying thought, that we should ever be placed in a position of such fear. I can't think of much to write about tonight..

At work I had a lovely old couple come in... They were telling me how they'd been out for the night and gone to the local Hotel for dinner (Roast Pork, $10.50 per head), and how they'd enjoyed it. Came in for a bottle of white wine before they went home. And I had the thought that it would be wonderful to be like that when you're older... to still have that friendlyness and vitality about you that makes others smile. You meet a lot of elderly people who are grumpy and miserable and it saddens me to think that life has made them like that.

Today's panties: Pink boylegs. X

1 comment:

Eugene Salomon said...

It's been 15 years since you left this blog. I wonder if you're still there, what's happened in your life since then, how you are. Please write to me if you see this. (the NYC taxi driver with the blog Cabs Are For Kissing).