Monday, June 4, 2007

I came home from a weekend of partying yesterday, was dropped off by my guy and my mate, and went to work shortly afterwards. Today I didn't do anything major. I didn't want to think, so I spent the hours doing housework... pretty much everything, even cleaning windows. And then as soon as I ran out of things to do, I get a phonecall from my ex... and thats not something I really want to go into. As soon as things get good in your life, everything else suddenly takes a massive dive, and you end up trying to juggle a billion things at once, often unsuccessfully I might add. For once I just wish that everything would fall into its own place quite happily, that things would be easy. But then, where would be the fun in that.

If the world was to throw you a free pass now and then... I have to wonder what the consequence would be. They teach you in science that every action has a reaction... so you have to wonder how the universe and the rest of your life would react. If we got a free bone would something in our lives be thrown as well? Would our partners leave us? Would we lose our jobs? Our cars? Our homes? Would their be an accident of some kind? Would we lose someone we loved? It just shows you to be careful what you wish for.

I mentioned this dilemma to a friend of mine the other day, one of my colleagues. And she said "When it rains, it pours." and you have to notice how right she was. When things get good... busy in your life, everything else does as well. When there isn't anything happening, work is slow. So is your social life. And just when you think you've got a good balance of both... WHAMMO!

Today's panties: Black lace and silk, with yellow polkadots and a pink ribbon on the front. X

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