Sunday, April 22, 2007

Yet another boring and quite uneventful day at the office. Had a few nice chats with the customers that came in, some of the locals are really quite lovely. Had a great little chat with a nice middle aged guy that just worked on a Sunday for the first time in six years as he's a single parent. Then we had a giggle at the expense of his mate. Seriousness replaced with playful mocking and piss-taking. Ah, lovely. And no watersports involved, I assure you. Cheeky little thing ain't I?

Got offered another shift by a mate of mine that also works there, she needs the time off for a doctors appointment but I'm not entirely sure I want to take it. I mean - I need the cash (is there EVER a single time in anyone's pitiful existance when they don't NEED more money? Excluding the disgustingly rich, obviously), but I'm not entirely sure I want to do another night next week. I quite enjoy having some remnant of a social life, thankyou. Even the local alcoholics (astonishingly) didn't make the trip today! Ah, but you see - it was market day. Far too important to go and look at other people's old junk and see how much they want for it to fuel their booze habit. Lovely isn't it. Quaint little things, human beings.

Was terribly cold today - not the weather, but me rather. I'm afraid I might be coming down with something and hope to the Goddess that I'm not. I suppose running into a cool room (two degrees celcius) and then back into the shop (approx 20 degrees celcius) every few minutes isn't great for ones body... but they're paying me to be cold. So I'll shut up and put up. At least my arse wasn't cold - purple and white striped boylegs, little frill around the legs and a bow at the front with 'cutie' written on the side. Simply adorable. Arguably not entirely sexy - but at work I ain't trying to impress someone who wants my body. I'm there to get paid. Maybe I could accomplish both as a call girl. Hmmm... ponderisms.

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