Thursday, April 19, 2007

Upon first inspection the title of this online diary... affectionately called a blog - may seem tacky. But ah, let one explain, please. Tonight while sitting at work and watching an elderly gentleman walking his jack russel, the truth of 'man's best friend' became apparant. Smiling to myself as the man chatted happily to his companion, watching it jump around his heels with such vigour and excitement that seems alien to such a small dog one was hit (like a brick wall to emphasise the point) with my own position as a friend to the masses. Not unlike a bitch, I might add. Then I watched the people that entered my place of business, the locals - the gawdy men after a hard days work, indeed, even people that I went to school with - kindergarten if one will be honest. And I listened to a man who very obviously started to flirt with me (and of course, one flirts back!) and the conversation that followed...

ME: "How are you today, love?"
HE: "Ah, sweetheart, better now with seeing your lovely self and getting THIS into me"
ME: "Go on then! Rub it in that you're going home for a drink and I'm stuck here for the rest of the night! Geez..."

And one has to realise... that when dog is man's best friend... then surely the barmaid - the bottle shop girl - is an alcoholics. For that is what I do - I work in a bottle shop. I sell booze to the masses of this incredibly small bush town and I love every minute of it. Its strange to know that I've lived in this town for fifteen years and never known half of the people that reside in it. Now I have my chance. Fresh out of school, all the promise in the world of going to uni and getting a degree in something that will put me head and heels above the rest (or so I was informed while at school, but thats another entry)... and I work in a bottle shop. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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